Rally for New Americans

 Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education Hundreds of elected officials, business, academic, religious, youth and community leaders from the Latino, Polish, Arab, Muslim, Asian and African communities will gather on Chicago’s southwest side to “Rally for New Americans,” hosted by the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) and organized by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR). Participants will join in support of state level issues that directly affect immigrant communities. They will call on the Illinois General Assembly to pass two critical pieces of legislation: the Illinois DREAM Act (SB 2185) and the Smart Enforcement Act (HB 929). They will also urge elected officials to support a fair budget for immigrant communities and fair redistricting that takes into account the growth of the immigrant population across the state. The rally will take place Saturday, April 30 at 11am at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church, 3721 W. 62nd St. As a response to the lack of federal immigration reform, hundreds of immigrants will convene to advance local legislation that will address the lack of federal immigration reform, the accelerating pace of deportations and family separation, the growth of immigrant population in Illinois, and the immense contributions of immigrants.

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