On Saturday April 16th, Ald. Danny Solis joined in a citywide “Clean and Green” initiative by Mayor Daley to help clean up throughout the city. In the 25th ward, dozens of volunteers gathered alongside Ald. Solis to clean up Plaza Tenochtitlan. Plaza Tenochtitlan, located at 18th and Blue Island, is home to a beautiful monument donated to Pilsen from Mexico that was intended to be the “Gateway to Pilsen.”
“The Clean and Green effort is a great way to encourage the community to come together to make our neighborhoods cleaner and safer,” said Solis of the initiative created by Mayor Daley. The efforts of Ald. Solis and the volunteers were directed at preventing rat infestation and removing garbage from the area. The group shoveled trash from the alley ways, closed garbage can lids to deter rats from living in the alleys, and washed the sidewalks of the plaza. “I am proud of the work we did today. This plaza is a welcome sign to anyone coming to Pilsen and we are helping ensure that it remains that way. Thank you for joining me in this effort,” Solis said as he thanked volunteers for donating their Saturday morning to help improve their community.