Courtesy of WebMD
Did you know your nails can reveal clues to your overall health? A touch of white here, a rosy tinge there, or some rippling bumps may be a sign of disease in the body. Problems in the liver, lungs, and heart can show up in your nails.
Pale Nails
Very pale or white nails are sometimes linked to aging. But they can also be a sign of serious illness, such as anemia, congestive heart failure, liver disease, or malnutrition.
Yellow Nails
One of the most common causes of yellow nails is a fungal infection. As the infection worsens, the nail bed may retract, and nails may thicken and crumble. In rare cases, yellow nails can indicate a more serious condition such as, severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes, or psoriasis.
Rippled Nails
If the nail surface is rippled or pitted, this may be an early sign of psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis. Discoloration of the nail is common; the skin under the nail can seem reddish-brown.
Puffy Nail Fold
If the skin around the nail appears red and puffy, this is known as inflammation of the nail fold. It may be the result of lupus or another connective tissue disorder.
Though nail changes accompany many conditions, these changes are rarely the first sign. And many nail abnormalities are harmless, not everyone with white nails has hepatitis. If you’re concerned about the appearance of your nails, see a dermatologist.