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The Safe Mexico
By: Daniel Nardini
My good friend Art recently returned from Mexico on a special business trip. I asked him how his trip was and if he was in any danger while in that country. He said was fine, he had a wonderful trip, and as for any danger in that country he replied, “it depends on where you are.” Indeed, despite all of the dangers in that country, there are very safe places to go. I have mentioned this before. Lonely Planet guide, one of the best known companies that puts out travel guides, recommends that people who wish to go to Mexico should go. The Mexican Tourist Board is doing all it can to encourage Americans to go to Mexico, and trying to assure Americans that all of Mexico is not a danger zone.
In a study by the Mexican Tourist Board of crime and drug-related violence, five states in Mexico have been found to be the safest in that country. They are the states of Baja California Sur, Puebla, Queretaro, Tlaxcala and Yucatan. Also, there are many beautiful cities worth exploring that are equally safe in all the other states. Tourists can go to beautiful colonial towns like Merida. Then there is Guanajuato, the 16th Century town that became one of the first places for the war of independence from Spain. And then there is the City of Puebla—with many famous colonial buildings and a beautiful climate. According to the Mexican Tourism Board, over 22.5 million tourists visited Mexico in 2010.
Most of these tourists came from North America—the United States and Canada. Lately, more tourists from Europe are going to Mexico. The dollars spent in tourism in Mexico is helping to keep those parts of Mexico frequented by tourists stable and help small Mexican businesses that cater to tourists. This in turn helps to put money into the local economy and helps to prevent crime and drug-related crime from increasing. Yes, Mexico is experiencing crime and violence on a major scale in a growing number of parts, and this does far more harm to the Mexican people in these areas than to tourists. But tourism also helps Mexico maintain stability and in return provides memorable experiences for those tourists who go.