Norwegian American Hospital, Humboldt Park’s highest level of health care provider – founded in 1894, experienced its most crucial legislative session in the organization’s history. The legislative branch collectively agreed that no reduced reimbursements in Medicare and Medicaid payments would be passed in this year’s budget. However, along with a number of other committed elected officials, community organizations and hospital partners, one state senator truly championed the cause for Norwegian American. William “Willie” Delgado, Illinois State Senator from the 2nd District, represents Norwegian American Hospital and many of the communities in the safety-net hospital’s service area. Sen. Delgado stood strong on behalf of Norwegian American Hospital. As a champion of the undeserved, he made sure that the Illinois Legislature did not allow blunt cuts that would devastate the health care system. The Illinois health care industry benefited from his commitment to save safety-net hospitals.
“We are proud that Sen. Delgado understands there are better ways to reform and redesign the system without risking the future of desperately needed hospitals such as Norwegian American Hospital,” said José R. Sánchez, Norwegian American Hospital president and chief executive officer. “His efforts on the floor of the state legislature on behalf of Norwegian American Hospital have preserved the future of our institution.” The impact to Norwegian American if there was a 6 to 12 percent cut in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements could have been $2.5 million to $3 million, which might have caused the hospital to close its doors.