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The Spanish Media in the Presidential Election
By: Daniel Nardini
A friend of mine once remarked that the United States is unofficially the sixth largest Spanish speaking country in the world. This is because of the sheer number of Latinos born and raised in this country as well as immigrants from Latin America. There is no doubt that what he was saying is true in an important sense—the number of Spanish speaking people in this country means that there has been a growing Spanish language media. From newspapers to TV and radio to Internet websites, the Spanish language is the second largest in the United States only after English.
Just as equally important will be the Spanish language coverage of the presidential election in 2012. That has in fact already begun in both the English and Spanish news media. Interestingly enough, Republican candidates will be running Spanish language advertisements to try and convince Spanish language viewers of their policies. Both Democrats and Republican are interested in capturing the Latino vote. What the Spanish news media will do is highlight issues that matter to Latinos like immigration reform as well as issues that matter to all Americans such as jobs, the economy, the wars, etc.
A good part of why the Spanish language news media will be highlighting the presidential elections more is the fact they want to increase their viewing numbers. As more and more Spanish speakers turn to the Spanish language news media, the greater will be the increase in advertising dollars for the Spanish news media. Of course, the Spanish language news media wants to inform the Spanish speaking public of issues that affect them. The Latino vote has become a very powerful force in any election in this country, and an informed Spanish speaking public is a powerhouse in any election. There is no question that the Spanish language news media will play an important role in the upcoming presidential elections.