As Oprah Winfrey wisely stated in her final show, “Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it.” Are you ready to take the leap into a new career but not exactly sure which career to choose and how to go about doing it? “Making the decision to change careers involves careful thought and consideration and may seem daunting,” said Larry Brueck, president of Everest College – Bedford Park. “But countless people have made successful career changes and most say it was the best decision they ever made – many only regretting that they hadn’t done it sooner.” Following are some tips from Everest College to help make a successful change:
- Identify the top careers for stability. Do some research to determine which careers are growing quickly and prospering. “Choosing a profession high in demand and with a positive growth outlook is the key to long-term survival and success,” said Brueck. The 2010-11 Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Department of Labor identifies occupations in high demand through 2018.
- Evaluate your strengths. What are your skill sets? Do you have good analytical skills? Are you handy with tools? Are you a good communicator, writer, or caregiver? Are you good at working with numbers? Research job opportunities that match your strengths and skill sets. Talk to current or former employers for another perspective, too.
- Consider education and training. It may be necessary to invest further in your education. There are many trade schools, colleges and universities that offer career guidance and assistance in preparing for a new career. “Career training can be a real door opener to a more rewarding work life and greater satisfaction,” said Brueck. “Everest College, for example, offers programs in several high-growth careers including medical assistant, pharmacy technician and dental assistant.”
- Seek advice and network. Attend local events and other career networking opportunities. Find a group of people who share your interests and work in a career field you find interesting. Consider meeting with a school counselor or other educator to get some help in evaluating career training options.