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On Mandating Sick Leave
By: Daniel Nardini
The State of Connecticut will require that all workers, both in the public and private sectors, be granted by their employers paid sick leave. Yes, the state government will require that employers keep paying their workers if they are sick. To put it mildly this is hugely popular with employees, but as you have guessed it is not something employers want. Two cities, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., are the only cities that require employers to grant their employees paid sick leave. Connecticut is the first state.
The law has some limitations. Businesses with more than 50 employees as well as large manufacturers will be exempt. The state law was passed with these limitations to appease the private sector. Even so, many businesses complain that it will be a serious burden to them and they may have to close or move out of the state. Many employees and their labor unions are for this law, and state that a sick employee who gets no pay for when they are absent or are forced by their bosses to work even when they are ill is a bad option. There is also a good chance this law will be challenged in court as an imposition on small businesses.
Many countries in Europe, especially those in the European Union, mandate paid sick leave. They say it creates less of a burden on their employees and helps in overall work production. Many American businesses do not see it that way, and many have fought attempts at passing similar laws in other states. At present, 20 states and U.S. cities are considering passing legislation similar to what has been enacted in Connecticut. I say considering because there is no question that business will fight this one all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Logically it makes sense for employers to help give employees the time they need to get well. Likewise, employees realize that in this bad economy anything that will require employers to pay more for something will not only be unpopular but may force companies out of business. At any rate, this new law and the effort to require mandatory paid sick leave is not the final word anywhere in this country.