The National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) has released free bilingual online resources to help Hispanic families prepare for college. The new set of multi-media resources will help people unfamiliar with navigating the U.S. college system gain access and information necessary for preparing and succeeding in college and beyond. The bilingual resource, En Camino: Herramientas educativas para familias, produced with support from MetLife Foundation, is available free of charge at The Spanish and English-language toolkit includes five online modules with activities for Spanish-speaking families to help increase their investment in and pursuit of educational opportunities.
Independent research validates the need for the materials. A 2010 national study by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, found a single year of parental education has a greater impact on the likelihood of a child attending a postsecondary institution than an extra $50,000 in parental income. In addition, the recent MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Preparing Students for College and Careers reveals that many parents and students feel a pressing need for more information about how to access and pay for college. To learn more about these resources or to download En Camino for free, please visit