The other team has a different vision for public education, said the Biden. “These are not bad guys; they just have a different point of view. It should be no surprise that the same people pushing vouchers for education push vouchers for healthcare.” Biden recognized that the voice of teachers is essential to improving education. He encouraged educators to work closely with lawmakers and others who genuinely want to improve public education so that all students in America have access to quality public schools. The RA is the top decision-making body for NEA. RA delegates adopt NEA’s strategic plan and budget, resolutions, the legislative program, and other Association policies. The NEA Representative Assembly is the world’s largest democratic deliberative body, with voting delegates from state and local affiliates across the country.
Vice President Biden “Stands with NEA” to Restore the American Dream
Speaking to more than 9,000 educators during the National Education Association’s 90th Representative Assembly (RA) in Chicago on Sunday, Vice President Joe Biden told delegates that the current national debate is about a fundamental difference in vision for America. “The debate is about whether or not for America to succeed we need to provide the best education for all our children—or for just some of our children,” said Vice President Biden. “It is about social equality, economic opportunity and concentration of wealth.”