New Futuro, a Chicago-based startup, and Allstate Insurance Company announced the launch of an unprecedented partnership dedicated to helping Latino families get their students into college and beyond on Tuesday morning. In addition, New Futuro has partnered with other non-profits, education institutions and corporate citizens to ensure the success of the program. According to U.S. Census Bureau projections, by 2020 nearly 36 percent of the population in the United States under the age of 19 will be Latino, making Latinos the largest, fastest-growing segment in the country.
As the title sponsor, Allstate has enabled New Futuro to launch this innovative program and will be awarding nearly $15,000 in scholarships to participating students at a series of free, college-prep workshops that will culminate with a major education summit at the UIC Forum, 725 W. Roosevelt Rd., on November 12, 2011. In addition to Allstate, New Futuro is working with other strategic partners to collaborate on a variety of initiatives that will help Latino families and students prepare to enter to college. That list includes prominent national and local organizations such as the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, National Council of La Raza, Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), Teach for America and others. If you would like to learn more about New Futuro and its list of events, visit