The Latino Caucus will insist on 14 Hispanic wards during Chicago’s aldermanic ward remap, up from ten wards created ten years ago. “Our proposal is fair and just, given the surge in the Latino population,” Caucus Chairman Danny Solis said. “We are relying on the Census data and the law to support our position.”
Since the year 2000, nearly 200,000 people have moved out of the City, but the Hispanic population increased by more than 25,000 people. Hispanics now represent 29 percent of Chicago’s population.
The Caucus is calling for eight Hispanic wards on the south side of the City and six on the north side. Census data indicates that on the south side of the City, 377,384 people of voting age live within a compact, contiguous area where most residents are Hispanic. That number divided by the target ward population results in seven Hispanic wards. The 10th ward is an additional Hispanic ward. On the north side, 323,472 people of voting age live within a compact, contiguous area where most residents are Hispanic. That number divided by the target ward population, results in six Hispanic wards.
Instead of releasing maps, the Caucus has focused on its common goal for the Hispanic community. At this time internal ward boundaries are not as critical as achieving fair and just representation for Latinos. Therefore, the Latino Caucus will continue its work with the City Council, Black Caucus, MALDEF and other organizations to develop a final map that includes appropriate internal boundaries. A complete set of maps must be approved by December 1. The members of the Latino Caucus are Ald. Joe Moreno (1st Ward), Ald. George Cardenas (12th Ward), Ald. Ricardo Muñoz (22nd Ward), Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26th Ward), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30th Ward), Ald. Ray Suarez (31st Ward), Ald. Rey Colón (35th Ward) and Chairman Danny Solis (25th Ward).