Since taking office on December 6, 2010, Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios has made marked improvements to the Assessor’s office, while maintaining a level of fiscal responsibility. “In the past year, I have made sure that property values reflect today’s housing market, and that the office moved swiftly with the assessment process” Berrios said. “I’m also pleased that all of my 386 employees took their furlough days, and that we made our budget goals.” Among Berrios’ other accomplishments this year:
- Redesigned Assessment Notice – In addition to the standard assessment information, the new residential reassessment notice includes: an estimated fair market value, assessment history, transactions from the Recorder of Deeds, history of tax payments and a photo of the property.
- Timely Completion of the 2010 Assessment – The Assessor’s Office certified all 2010 assessment values almost two months ahead of schedule, on March 30, 2010. This will help ensure that tax bills will be mailed in a timelier manner and in turn will help the local taxing bodies receive their funds sooner.
- Worked with the Board of Review to begin online appeals filings — Berrios and his staff worked closely with the Board of Review by offering his staff and technology. As a result of this intergovernmental cooperation, anyone filing an appeal with the Board can now do so online.
- Enhancements to the Web site – The Assessor continues to improve the Cook County Assessor’s Office Web site. Taxpayers may file appeals on-line, obtain assessment information, and download applications and forms. The Assessor’s Web site is one of the most visited Web sites in the county and receives close to 500,000 monthly visitors.
“We have accomplished much in the past year, but there’s so much more to be done,” Berrios said. “We must continue to make strides while maintaining the high level of customer service that property owners expect.”