By: Daniel Nardini
As the Occupy movement continues in every major city across the United States (and some other countries as well), there is another kind of movement occurring near the White House. This one has been organized by the Disclosure Project and the Center for Studies of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. Their aim? They are calling upon the White House and the President to disclose any and all communications or evidence the U.S. government has on extra-terrestrials (ET). Well, as you guessed it, a spokesperson for the White House has said that it has never had and does not have any communications nor evidence that ETs have ever visited Earth and that the U.S. government has never been in contact with ETs.
In this day of age, with so many secrets being disclosed about government mischief and evil deeds (especially by WikiLeaks), I seriously believe that the U.S. government is very much telling the truth when it comes down to them having had no contact with ETs. What is my evidence for saying this? No other governments have ever found ETs in our midst, and so far no credible, verifiable secret reports have ever been produced to show that any government or credible private organization has ever contacted nor been contacted by ETs. In fact, no individuals have ever come forward to show they have been without question contacted by ETs (or rather none that can be verified by private or government agencies. There have of course been people who have said they have been “contacted” by ETs).
Of course, those who believe that the U.S. government had contact with ETs in the past use the example of Roswell in 1947. The Disclosure Project and the Center for the Studies of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence believe that the government had indeed discovered a crashed UFO and recovered the bodies of those who were in it. In the beginning the government claimed that it was a weather balloon, and they produced the proof that it was. But over the decades declassified documents have shown that the area around Roswell was used as a base for secret experiments for U.S. government flying craft used in the Cold War. So there was truth that the crashed object in question was a weather balloon, but the weather balloon itself and other flying craft were part of secret government experiments that were kept secret so that the Soviets and their allies did not find out about them.
You can imagine how this has made people’s imaginations run wild. So given this it is understandable why to this day people believe firmly that the U.S. government IS holding out on information on possible contact(s) with ETs. I cannot blame them on this point. So this is why such a movement has come about. With the U.S. government having kept so many dirty secrets from the public, why not this? Like Roswell, the whole thing about the government’s knowledge or lack of knowledge about Ets has become more than the truth.
ET, Where Are You?
By: Daniel Nardini
As the Occupy movement continues in every major city across the United States (and some other countries as well), there is another kind of movement occurring near the White House. This one has been organized by the Disclosure Project and the Center for Studies of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. Their aim? They are calling upon the White House and the President to disclose any and all communications or evidence the U.S. government has on extra-terrestrials (ET). Well, as you guessed it, a spokesperson for the White House has said that it has never had and does not have any communications nor evidence that ETs have ever visited Earth and that the U.S. government has never been in contact with ETs.
In this day of age, with so many secrets being disclosed about government mischief and evil deeds (especially by WikiLeaks), I seriously believe that the U.S. government is very much telling the truth when it comes down to them having had no contact with ETs. What is my evidence for saying this? No other governments have ever found ETs in our midst, and so far no credible, verifiable secret reports have ever been produced to show that any government or credible private organization has ever contacted nor been contacted by ETs. In fact, no individuals have ever come forward to show they have been without question contacted by ETs (or rather none that can be verified by private or government agencies. There have of course been people who have said they have been “contacted” by ETs).
Of course, those who believe that the U.S. government had contact with ETs in the past use the example of Roswell in 1947. The Disclosure Project and the Center for the Studies of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence believe that the government had indeed discovered a crashed UFO and recovered the bodies of those who were in it. In the beginning the government claimed that it was a weather balloon, and they produced the proof that it was. But over the decades declassified documents have shown that the area around Roswell was used as a base for secret experiments for U.S. government flying craft used in the Cold War. So there was truth that the crashed object in question was a weather balloon, but the weather balloon itself and other flying craft were part of secret government experiments that were kept secret so that the Soviets and their allies did not find out about them.
You can imagine how this has made people’s imaginations run wild. So given this it is understandable why to this day people believe firmly that the U.S. government IS holding out on information on possible contact(s) with ETs. I cannot blame them on this point. So this is why such a movement has come about. With the U.S. government having kept so many dirty secrets from the public, why not this? Like Roswell, the whole thing about the government’s knowledge or lack of knowledge about Ets has become more than the truth.