In this tough job market, it’s more critical than ever to become more visible to your company to reach better opportunities. Establishing yourself as an undeniable resource can solidify your position and open advancement opportunities. Mariela Dabbah, national speaker and expert on Latino education and success, as well as a MillerCoors Líderes podcast participant, offers five tips to raise your visibility in the work place and gain more opportunities in your company.
Analyze your network. Make a list of all your contacts inside and outside your company. Divide the list into different experience and rank levels, and evaluate your list based on the number of contacts you have in each category both inside your company as outside. Charting your network will help you evaluate where you need to branch out.
Build your network with the right mix of people. Include different types of people in your network, to serve different roles. For example, include someone who can help you understand your company, someone who can open up opportunities for you, and someone who can provide you with third-party guidance, among others.
Create a personal board of advisers. Identify a team of advisors from your network, people who you trust and admire for their area of expertise, who you can reach out to for advice and whose advice you’d be open to receiving. Think of this group as your sounding board.
Build your brand. How do you want to be known inside your company? Think about what skills you bring to the table and how this fits your brand. Put your board of advisors to use by asking for their advice on ways to develop or improve your brand.
Find ways to achieve relevant visibility. Seek out ways to get noticed in a positive way within your company. Get recognized as someone who takes on new challenges and is open to learning new things, exposing your brand to more people.
To learn more about these strategies and about leadership development, visit