Mikey O Comedy Productions, in collaboration with presenting sponsor Harmony Health Plan, will celebrate its 10th Annual Holiday Giggle at the historic Portage Theater. The stellar night of giving, networking and entertainment will bring together 15 Chicagoland non-profit organizations, performances by ten comedians, and 800 supporters, family and friends. The celebration starts at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 15th at The Portage Theater, 4050 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Admission is a $20 donation, open to the public, and 100 percent of the proceeds directly benefit the participating organizations.
This year’s Holiday Giggle will be hosted by WGN Tv’s Ana Belaval and will feature music by legendary Hot Mix 5 DJ, Kenny “Jammin” Jason, DJ Gusto, and Chicago’s own troubadour, Rich Cantu. This year’s participating organizations are Humboldt Park Social Services, En Las Tablas Performing Arts, Healthcare Alternative Systems, Empowering Youth Through Travel, Chicago Voyagers, Las Caras Lindas, Youth Guidance, San Jose Obrero Mission, St. Augustine College, Fiesta del Sol/PNCC, Golder College Prep, Centro San Bonifacio, E Rincon Community Clinic, Jahn Language School, and the National Conference of Puerto Rican Women-Chicago. These organizations offer a myriad of comprehensive programs, services and support to the students, adults, and families they serve. Tickets are available from the individual organizations or at the theater box-office on the night of the event. For more information call 877-70-COMEDY or visit www.mikeyocomedy.com.