
Yearly Archives: 2011

Primera Fiesta Blanca de Chicago Fire Foundatioin

Primera Fiesta Blanca de Chicago Fire Foundatioin

Por: Carlos Acevedo El 5 de agosto, Chicago Fire Foundation tuvo su primera “Fiesta Blanca” en el MCA Warehouse en West Town. La reunión tuvo una concurrencia de más de… Read more »

Celebración Escolar de Community Savings Bank

Celebración Escolar de Community Savings Bank

Community Savings Bank tendrá su celebración anual “Regreso a la Escuela” en su vestíbulo principal, el sábado 20 de agosto, de 9:30 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. El banco tendrá juegos… Read more »

Increase Your Business Presence

Increase Your Business Presence

Business owners who want to establish an online presence, or grow their existing one, will learn how to do so at “Grow Your Business with Innovative Online Tools,” presented by… Read more »

Back to School Breakfast for Busy Days

Back to School Breakfast for Busy Days

Mom is right! Breakfast is one of the most important meals, setting the tone for the rest of the day on school performance, behavior, and weight management – even attendance… Read more »

Para el regreso a la escuela: desayunos saludables y rápidos

Para el regreso a la escuela: desayunos saludables y rápidos

¡Mamá siempre tiene la razón! El desayuno es una de las comidas más importantes ya que de alguna manera se verá reflejado durante el resto del día el rendimiento en… Read more »

Buscando una ‘A’

Buscando una ‘A’

Por: Carolina Vélez En solo tres semanas, CPS abrirá sus puertas el 6 de septiembre para recibir a los estudiantes del año escolar 2011-2012. Pero antes de que eso suceda,… Read more »

A Review of “Boricua Power”

A Review of “Boricua Power”

By: Daniel Nardini The book, Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States by Jose Ramon Sanchez, is a must-read for those trying to understand something… Read more »

By the Cuban Flag Divided

By the Cuban Flag Divided

By: Daniel Nardini Even with all of the problems between the United States and Cuba, which includes the Alan Gross affair, tens of thousands of Cuban Americans are still going… Read more »

Latinos Falling Through the Cracks

Latinos Falling Through the Cracks

By: Daniel Nardini As if America and Americans have not had a truly bad enough month already with the near default on the U.S. national debt and the downgrading of… Read more »

What Is Happening in Detroit?

What Is Happening in Detroit?

By: Daniel Nardini Many Latinos living in the Detroit area have reported Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel randomly stopping, questioning and even harassing them. There was the case of… Read more »