
Yearly Archives: 2011

The Price for Trashing the Constitution

The Price for Trashing the Constitution

By: Daniel Nardini Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio may be the toughest law enforcement officer in the United States, but he has now paid a price for that. In… Read more »

The Mexican Immigration Decline

The Mexican Immigration Decline

By: Daniel Nardini According to a study at Princeton University, the number of Mexicans trying to enter the United States—both legal and illegal—is in fact declining. The study, called the… Read more »

About the Alliance for a Sustainable USA

About the Alliance for a Sustainable USA

By: Daniel Nardini As a close friend of mine once said to me, “the more you try to restrict immigration the more you encourage illegal immigration.” Over the past decade… Read more »

Richmond Identification for the Undocumented

Richmond Identification for the Undocumented

By: Daniel Nardini The City of Richmond in Virginia has become the third city in the United States to issue city identification to undocumented living there. Many immigrant rights and… Read more »

St. Augustine and El Valor Partner Up

St. Augustine and El Valor Partner Up

St. Augustine College has partnered with El Valor to begin an Associate Degree in Respiratory Therapy Cohort in Little Village, starting on August 24. The program lasts 36 months and… Read more »

Story-Time: How Youth are Finding Their Voice

Story-Time: How Youth are Finding Their Voice

By: Ashmar Mandou Students of Little Village Academy and Columbia Explorers Academy are showcasing their literary talents in this year’s Barrel of Monkeys, ‘That’s Weird, Abuelita’ production. “It is wonderful… Read more »

Hora Literaria – Como los Jóvenes Encuentran su Voz

Hora Literaria – Como los Jóvenes Encuentran su Voz

Por: Ashmar Mandou Los estudiantes de la Academia Little Village y Columbia Explorers Academy están demostrando su talento literario en la producción de este año, ‘That’s Weird, Abuelita’ de Barrel… Read more »

Officials Call on Obama to Stop Deportations

Officials Call on Obama to Stop Deportations

A united coalition of elected officials, including Congressman Luis Gutierrez, religious leaders, unions, and community organization joined together last week to call on President Barack Obama to stop the deportations… Read more »

Llamado de Funcionarios a Obama Para que Detenga las Deportaciones

Llamado de Funcionarios a Obama Para que Detenga las Deportaciones

Una coalición unida de funcionarios electos, incluyendo al Congresista Luis Gutiérrez, a líderes religiosos, sindicatos y organizaciones comunitarias, se unieron la semana pasada para pedir al Presidente Barack Obama que… Read more »

Exitosa Fiesta Annual Nuestras Raíces en Berwyn

Exitosa Fiesta Annual Nuestras Raíces en Berwyn

Talentosos grupos de baile y presentaciones de música en vivo entretuvieron a la multitud con su excepcional talento durante la 3ª. Fiesta Anual Nuestra Raices, efectuada el pasado Sábado 23… Read more »