
Yearly Archives: 2011

Berwyn Playground Receives Make-Over

Berwyn Playground Receives Make-Over

More than 200 volunteers from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, the North Berwyn Park District, the Berwyn Development Corporation, Mothers on a Mission, Inc., organizers from KaBOOM and… Read more »

Jóvenes Proponen Ideas para Atender la Prevalencia de la Violencia

Jóvenes Proponen Ideas para Atender la Prevalencia de la Violencia

Al terminar Rahm Emmanuel su primer presupuesto y seguir con sus iniciativas para aumentar el número de rondas de policía y la posible consolidación de los distritos policíacos, los jóvenes… Read more »

Health Department Showcases Services at Fair

Health Department Showcases Services at Fair

The Cicero Health Department showcased its services to residents at its annual health fair held Saturday Oct. 1, at the Town of Cicero Community Center. The Health Fair detailed for… Read more »

Los Ladrones de Identidad Encuentran Nuevas Formas de Robar

Los Ladrones de Identidad Encuentran Nuevas Formas de Robar

Los estadounidenses hacen todo lo posible por protegerse contra el robo. Cerramos las puertas con llave, instalamos sistemas de alarma en nuestras casas y autos y aseguramos nuestros objetos valiosos…. Read more »

La Chef Ingrid Hoffman y Jewel-Osco Ponen el Toque Saludable a Platillos Latinos

La Chef Ingrid Hoffman y Jewel-Osco Ponen el Toque Saludable a Platillos Latinos

La conocida Chef Ingrid Hoffman celebró el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con una demostración de comida interactiva en Jewel Osco, 2520 N. Narragansett, el domingo, 9 de octubre. La… Read more »

Youth Propose Ideas to Address Prevalence of Violence

Youth Propose Ideas to Address Prevalence of Violence

As Rahm Emmanuel finalizes his first budget, and moves forward his initiatives to increase the number of beat cops, and a possible consolidation of police districts, youth from across the… Read more »

Author Robert Renteria to Receive Outstanding Humanitarian Award

Author Robert Renteria to Receive Outstanding Humanitarian Award

Humanitarian. The word does not typically conjure an image of an angry, bitter, teenaged boy, engulfed in a life of drugs and gangs in the barrio of East L.A. But… Read more »

El Departamento de Salud Presenta sus Servicios en la Feria de Salud

El Departamento de Salud Presenta sus Servicios en la Feria de Salud

El Departamento de Salud de Cicero mostró sus servicios a los residentes en la feria anual de salud, el sábado, 1º de octubre, en el Centro Comunitario de Cicero. La… Read more »

Hunting for a Prescription Drug Plan is No Game

Hunting for a Prescription Drug Plan is No Game

By: Mayra Salazar Public Affairs Specialist, Social Security Administration It’s that time of year again. “Open season” is right around the corner for the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan…. Read more »

Identity Thieves Find New Ways to Steal

Identity Thieves Find New Ways to Steal

Americans go to great lengths to protect against being robbed. We lock our doors, install alarm systems in our homes and cars, and insure our valuables. Many, however, do not… Read more »