
Yearly Archives: 2011

Become an Education Watchdog

Become an Education Watchdog

By: Ashmar Mandou In the aftermath of Tuesday’s intense debate between Chicago Public Schools Chief Jean-Claude Brizard and Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis regarding longer school days and improvement… Read more »

Heitor Villa-Lobos

Heitor Villa-Lobos

By: Daniel Nardini Heitor Villa-Lobos is probably the best known Latin American composer. Heitor Villa-Lobos was born in Rio de Janeiro on March 5, 1887. His father, Raul Villa-Lobos, was… Read more »

America’s Berlin Wall

America’s Berlin Wall

By: Daniel Nardini One of the consequences of September 11th has been the building by the United States of a super border wall between America and Mexico. Probably few things… Read more »

The 287(g) Program in the South

The 287(g) Program in the South

By: Daniel Nardini When the 287(g) program between the federal and state governments was started, the original purpose of the program was to inform U.S. immigration of those undocumented who… Read more »

The Incredible Edible Avocado

The Incredible Edible Avocado

By: Daniel Nardini Fact: Mexico grows over 40 percent of all the world’s avocados. Fact: the avocado is very nutritious and helps to clean out the blood stream. Fact: the… Read more »

The Great New York Tragedy Before 9/11

The Great New York Tragedy Before 9/11

By: Daniel Nardini This year marks the 100th anniversary of one of the most tragic events that have altered not only New York City but the United States. I am… Read more »

A Nation of Immigrant Junk Food Junkies

A Nation of Immigrant Junk Food Junkies

By: Daniel Nardini According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, many Mexican immigrants and their U.S.-born children eventually adopt American-style junk food eating habits. The study surveyed… Read more »

Los Colegios de la Ciudad de Chicago Cumplen 100 Años de Transformar Vidas

Los Colegios de la Ciudad de Chicago Cumplen 100 Años de Transformar Vidas

El Alcalde Rahm Emanuel se unió el lunes a la Canciller Cheryl L Hyman y a estudiantes del Instituto Culinario Washburne, para celebrar el Centenario de los Colegios de la… Read more »

El Departamento de Policía de Berwyn Descubre “Deplorable” Residencia

El Departamento de Policía de Berwyn Descubre “Deplorable” Residencia

El jueves, 8 de septiembre, el Departamento de Policía de Berwyn recibió una llamada en la cuadra 2800 de Lombard Ave., para atender a un joven inconsciente, de 14 años…. Read more »

La Corte del Circuito Ofrece Visitas Durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana

La Corte del Circuito Ofrece Visitas Durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana

El Jefe de La Corte del Circuito del Condado de Cook, Timothy C. Evans, anunció las Visitas a la Corte del Mes de la Herencia Hispana del Centro Richard J…. Read more »