
Yearly Archives: 2011

Sierra Club Lanza Campaña Masiva de Propaganda Contra Plantas de Carbón

Sierra Club Lanza Campaña Masiva de Propaganda Contra Plantas de Carbón

Sierra Club lanzó una campaña de propaganda para conscientizar al público sobre los riesgos de salud ocasionados por las plantas operadas por carbón de Fisk & Crawford de Chicago. Los… Read more »

Sierra Club Launches Massive Ad Campaign to Move Chicago Beyond Coal

Sierra Club Launches Massive Ad Campaign to Move Chicago Beyond Coal

Sierra Club launched an ad campaign to raise public awareness about the health risks of Chicago’s Fisk and Crawford coal-fired power plants. Ads in 100 CTA trains, newspapers, and a… Read more »

Mount Sinai Hospital Receives Recognition for Quality Patient Care

Mount Sinai Hospital Receives Recognition for Quality Patient Care

In the midst of Chicago’s west side, surrounded by some of the most economically challenged neighborhoods in the city of Chicago, Mount Sinai Hospital offers “Gold Standard” patient care. Mount… Read more »

¡De todo corazón…para tu corazón!

¡De todo corazón…para tu corazón!

¡Septiembre es el mes de la educación sobre el colesterol! Las enfermedades del corazón siguen siendo la causa de muerte número uno en los Estados Unidos tanto en hombres como… Read more »

Get Heart Smart in your cart!

Get Heart Smart in your cart!

September is cholesterol education month! Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in America for both men and women, so it makes sense for the whole family to… Read more »

Are You Living A Lie? Former Gang Member Talks Redemption

Are You Living A Lie? Former Gang Member Talks Redemption

By: Carlos Acevedo On Sunday, Sept. 11, Art Blajos, a former gang member of the Mexican Mafia shared his testimonial to a crowd who gathered at Victory Outreach Church on… Read more »

A Time for Celebration and Reflection

A Time for Celebration and Reflection

By: Ashmar Mandou As September 16 approaches, Mexican and Mexican-Americans will honor their roots, culture, and tradition through various forms of celebration. It is also a time in which to… Read more »

Overcoming Barriers:  U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios Sets the Precedent

Overcoming Barriers: U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios Sets the Precedent

By: Ashmar Mandou During a visit to Chicago for the World’s Fair of Money in mid-August, U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios, a first generation Mexican-American and graduate of Harvard University, proclaimed… Read more »

Overcoming Barriers: Mayor of Berwyn Robert Lovero Encourages Celebration

Overcoming Barriers: Mayor of Berwyn Robert Lovero Encourages Celebration

By: Ashmar Mandou Mayor Robert J. Lovero has been a resident of Berwyn for over 48 years. And with each year, his love and vision for the city of Berwyn… Read more »

Superando Barreras La Secretaria de la Ciudad Susana Mendoza Supera Todos los Obstáculos

Superando Barreras La Secretaria de la Ciudad Susana Mendoza Supera Todos los Obstáculos

Por: Ashmar Mandou Qué puede decirse sobre la Secretaria de la Ciudad, Susana Mendoza, que no se haya dicho antes? El 17 de mayo, Mendoza hizo historia convirtiéndose en la… Read more »