
Yearly Archives: 2011

When the Dollars was as Good as Gold

When the Dollars was as Good as Gold

By: Daniel Nardini Forty years ago in 1971, then U.S. President Richard Nixon took the United States out of the Bretton Woods Agreements. Under these agreements all countries that traded… Read more »

September 11th Ten Years Later: A Personal View

September 11th Ten Years Later: A Personal View

By: Daniel Nardini There have been documentaries about where people were on September 11, 2001, during the Al Qaeda attacks. In my case I was at a train station waiting… Read more »

The Throw Away Workers

The Throw Away Workers

By: Daniel Nardini Having been on the unemployment rolls myself, I know how the U.S. Labor Bureau can and does manipulate the unemployment statistics. They report the unemployment by those… Read more »

Make Everyday A Labor Day

Make Everyday A Labor Day

By: Daniel Nardini As we pass this year’s Labor Day, the employment numbers do not make it look like much of a holiday to celebrate. Job growth in August was… Read more »

The Lost American Economic Decade

The Lost American Economic Decade

By: Daniel Nardini One has to wonder how the United States, which had almost completely eliminated its national debt in 2000, and was registering monetary surpluses, could suddenly become the… Read more »

Puerto Rican Children at Risk

Puerto Rican Children at Risk

By: Daniel Nardini According to a report put out on its 2011 KIDSCOUNT databook by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, children in Puerto Rico are especially at-risk from a number… Read more »

Simple, Delicious Salad Meals

Simple, Delicious Salad Meals

As the school year approaches, days seem to get busier even as the heat of the season stays with us. One bowl dinners are great year round as time savers,… Read more »

Ensaladas sencillas y deliciosas como plato principal

Ensaladas sencillas y deliciosas como plato principal

Como el año escolar se acerca, los días parecen ponerse más atareados incluso aunque el clima no haya variado mucho para nosotros. Las cenas de un solo plato principal son… Read more »

The Fight for Malaysia’s Soul

The Fight for Malaysia’s Soul

By: Daniel Nardini Most Malay women, who are Muslim, typically wear the hijab or headscarf. There is no law in Malaysia that requires women to wear the hijab. Nevertheless most… Read more »

The Mennonites and the Drug Cartels

The Mennonites and the Drug Cartels

By: Daniel Nardini The drug war is doing more than killing tens of thousands of people and destroying the whole fabric of Mexican society. It is starting to create refugees… Read more »