
Yearly Archives: 2011

Learn About Credit with NHS

Learn About Credit with NHS

Buying a home is more than numbers, dollars and cents. Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NHS), a nonprofit HUD-certified counseling agency, is teaming up with experts from Money Management International… Read more »

Los 10 Peores Cambios de Carrera que se Pueden Hacer

Los 10 Peores Cambios de Carrera que se Pueden Hacer

Cambiar carrera nunca es fácil. La mitad del mundo piensa que se ha vuelto loco, algunos dicen que nunca volverá a trabajar y sus parientes contribuyen con la vieja rutina… Read more »

AT&T Develops App to Put Stop to Texting While Driving

AT&T Develops App to Put Stop to Texting While Driving

New drivers are getting behind the wheel to head back to school, and because the average teen sends and receives five times more text messages a day than a typical… Read more »

Aprenda Sobre Crédito con NHS

Aprenda Sobre Crédito con NHS

Comprar una casa es más que números, dólares y centavos. Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NHS), agencia de consejería HUD certificada, no lucrativa, se une a expertos de Money Management… Read more »

Berwyn to Honor 9/11 Anniversary

Berwyn to Honor 9/11 Anniversary

On Sunday, September 11, 2011 American’s across the nation will be pausing to reflect on the 10 year anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center. Over 3,000 “Civilians”… Read more »

Las Escuelas Charter UNO dan las Gracias al Concejal Burke

Las Escuelas Charter UNO dan las Gracias al Concejal Burke

Representantes de seis escuelas UNO del Distrito 14, expresaron su aprecio al Concejal Edward M. Burke, por su apoyo a la red de escuelas charter. Yesenia López, madre y voluntaria,… Read more »

Chicago Career Tech Extends Application

Chicago Career Tech Extends Application

Due to popular demand, Chicago Career Tech (CCT) is extending the application period for the fourth session of its four- to six-month, six-day-a-week job retraining program for unemployed emerging- and… Read more »

Columbia Explorers Academy Marks a Decade Serving the Community

Columbia Explorers Academy Marks a Decade Serving the Community

Students at Columbia Explorers Academy launched thousands of balloons to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the school. Alderman Edward M. Burke (14th) and Principal Jose Barrera presided over the ceremony… Read more »

Legislación Ofrece Oportunidades Educativas a Estudiantes Bilingües

Legislación Ofrece Oportunidades Educativas a Estudiantes Bilingües

La Senadora Estatal, Iris Y. Martínez (D-Chicago) copatrocinó una nueva ley firmada por el Gobernador Pat Quinn, para distribuir fondos de educación bilingüe por estudiante, en vez de sumas totales…. Read more »

UNO Charter Schools Thank Alderman Burke

UNO Charter Schools Thank Alderman Burke

Representatives of the six UNO schools in the 14th Ward recently expressed their appreciation to Alderman Edward M. Burke for his support of the charter school network. Yesenia Lopez, a… Read more »