
Yearly Archives: 2011

Senator Delgado Joins Advisory Committee on Medicaid

Senator Delgado Joins Advisory Committee on Medicaid

Illinois State Senator William Delgado (D-Chicago) was appointed by Senate President John J. Cullerton to a bi-partisan committee that will focus on cost savings, identifying waste, and preserving services most… Read more »

Give Me That Old Anytime Religion

Give Me That Old Anytime Religion

By: Daniel Nardini According to a study done by the American Physical Society, organized religion will be all but extinct in nine countries. These countries are Australia, Austria, Canada (yes,… Read more »

Students Graduate from St. Anthony Hospital’s SAW Program

Students Graduate from St. Anthony Hospital’s SAW Program

On Wednesday, Aug. 17, 14 students graduated from Saint Anthony Hospital’s “School at Work” (SAW) program, following in the path of hundreds of other students who have advanced their education… Read more »

The Legal Challenge to Secure Communities Program

The Legal Challenge to Secure Communities Program

By: Daniel Nardini The Heartland Alliance’s National Immigrant Justice Center in Chicago has brought a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for its Secure Communities Program. The… Read more »

One Book, One Chicago Celebra su 10º Aniversario con una Novela Clásica de Chicago

One Book, One Chicago Celebra su 10º Aniversario con una Novela Clásica de Chicago

La Biblioteca Pública de Chicago reveló Las Aventuras de Augie March por Saul Bellow, como su selección 21 de One Book One Chicago, el pasado miércoles, en la Biblioteca Harold… Read more »

NCAA Concede Certificación División I a Chicago State

NCAA Concede Certificación División I a Chicago State

El Comité División I sobre Certificación Atlética de National Collegiate Athletic Association [NCAA] anunció que Chicago State University [CSU] cumple con todos los requisitos para la recertificación como miembro de… Read more »

El Colegio de DuPage Amplía su Programa de Desarrollo Profesional

El Colegio de DuPage Amplía su Programa de Desarrollo Profesional

La carrera de Asistente Dental está entre las carreras de más rápido crecimiento en el país y ofrece excelentes beneficios. “La flexibilidad en el horario, un buen salario, potencial para… Read more »

One Book, One Chicago Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Classic Chicago Novel

One Book, One Chicago Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Classic Chicago Novel

Chicago Public Library revealed The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow as their 21st One Book, One Chicago selection last Wednesday at the Harold Washington Library Center. Included in… Read more »

Estudiantes se Gradúan del Programa SAW del Hospital St. Anthony

Estudiantes se Gradúan del Programa SAW del Hospital St. Anthony

El miércoles, 17 de agosto, 14 estudiantes se graduaron del programa “Escuela en el Trabajo” (SAW) del Hospital St. Anthony, siguiendo a cientos de estudiantes que han avanzado en su… Read more »

College of DuPage Expands Professional Development Program

College of DuPage Expands Professional Development Program

Dental Assistant is among the fast growing healthcare careers in the country, and offers some excellent benefits. “The flexibility in hours, the great pay, potential for growth and the social… Read more »