By: Ashmar Mandou
As the battle to represent the 21st district continues, former journalist Silvana Tabares assures residents her non-political background serves as an advantage over her opponent. “People are ready for a new leader,” said Tabares, candidate for state representative of the 21st district. “People are waiting for someone to stand up to issues. People want someone who never ran for office, someone who is a newcomer, someone who is completely motivated by the issues.” Born and raised in the heart of the Little Village and Pilsen community by her single-mother, Tabares affirms that her upbringing and work ethic is what sets her apart from her opponent Rudy Lozano, Jr. “People want to be listened to,” said Tabares. “Throughout my campaign I have knocked on doors and families were surprised to see a candidate come to their doorstep. That’s what I want people to know about who I am. I am here to listen to their needs and work for them.” With major endorsements from Alderman George Cardenas, Alderman Ed Burke, Cicero Town President Larry Dominick, and State Senator Martin Sandoval, Tabares aims to bring a different dynamic to the position if elected. She shared what will be on her agenda if elected and what inspired her to run.
The Tabares Plan
Advocate for investments in creating long-term and secure jobs.
Advocate for small business growth in the various communities.
Fight to ensure that police officers are assigned to where crime is taking place.
Build more schools to provide relief to over crowded classrooms.
Defend the right of parents to choose where their child is educated.
People are sick and tired of their property taxes being raised. They are tired that property taxes continue to rise and the home that they own is lowering in value. It’s not fair. So when I started advocating and started circulating petitions to put a freeze on these property taxes, people were like, ‘that is just a great idea. We finally have a leader who is speaking on that issue.’ And they are happy with that. Our message is resonating with them. They know they have a leader who will stand up for them.
What motivated me are the issues. I have written about people losing their homes. I’ve written about people losing their jobs. I’ve written about gangs. I’ve written about everything as a journalist. But what motivated me are the issues. We need a real leader who will stand out and speak on these issues. I’ve written about them and now I want to take further action
Skills Acquired
Listening to people. People need to be listened to; people need to be asked questions about what is going on in their community. Listening and asking questions are the biggest skills that I developed and bring to the table. There are politicians who talk and talk without listening. And people need to be heard. And a lot of these people tell me that they’ve never had a candidate knock on their doors before. Never had a candidate… it was the first time in many years that someone showed up on their doorstep to talk with them.
New Kid on the Block
I’m the newcomer. People want new leadership. People want someone that’s never run for office; people want somebody new. People like the newcomer. People like that I don’t have that political background or political support, like Rudy Lozano Jr., who is supported by the committee
Role Model
Women don’t run unless they are asked and that’s what I learned from the 2012project. However, more women are taking the plunge and being brave enough, and empowering other women. I hope to be a role model. I mean, Susanna Mendoza, our city clerk, is such a great role model for women. She inspired me to run to. She was my state representative. I hope, in turn, to inspire others to work harder.
I want to see people working. I want to see quality education and quality after school programs for students. I want to see safer neighborhoods in our communities. That would be the goal. I’m the newcomer here and I’ve been working very hard and I will continue to work hard once elected.