By: Ashmar Mandou

Stone Park residents held a prayer vigil to express opposition against a strip club opening. At the tone of chants with “Get It, Get Out!” this prayer vigil, the largest of its kind to be organized in Stone Park, sent a clear message: the community has had enough.
Over 500 community members convened in Stone Park for a prayer vigil organized by the community group Neighbors United for a Better Stone Park against the opening of yet another strip club in Stone Park. Momentum has been building in Stone Park, as the community has joined together in opposition of the opening of the strip club “Get It” set to open next to a religious convent in a residential area.
Community resident Rosa Hernandez commented, “I have lived in Stone Park for nearly 20 years. In all my years here, I have never seen so many people come together for such an important cause. It is powerful to see so many people saying enough to strip clubs!” She continued, “I stand here as a mother, outraged by the building of another strip club in our community. We’re worried about the future of our children. We stand against this strip club because it will only bring negative things to our community, it will downgrade Stone Park.”
Community residents are worried about the consequences this strip club will bring to Stone Park once it opens by April 1st.
Sister Noemi Silva, Missionary Sister of St. Charles Scalabrinian stated, “Having this strip club in our backyard goes against everything we stand for as religious women and it tears at the fabric of our whole community. We are appalled this strip club was built not only next to our convent, but also right next to the residential homes where children live. This is unacceptable.”
Not only are adults concerned about this situation, youth also raised their voices. Dayana Moreno, a 13-year-old resident of Stone Park stated, “This place brings shame to our community, sends a harmful message and will bring many problems. I should know, my home is behind one already and I often here loud noise late at night when fights break out or drunken people leave.”
Stone Park, a community in which 88 percent of Latinos make up the population, does not have a local library. Therefore, children in the community must travel to neighboring communities to access their libraries. Currently, there are now six adult entertainment places in Stone Park.