Unprecedented Visit by Cook County Health and Hospital System CEO

 Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - SaludOn February 23, The National Latino Education Institute (NLEI) assembled a group of community leaders, elected officials, NLEI students and other healthcare advocates to listen to Dr. Ramanathan Raju’s, CEO, Cook County Health and Hospitals System, vision of healthcare for Cook County residents and specifically the heavily under-served Latino community.

Dr. Raju addressed the need to reshape and change the current health system. He expressed his desire to improve the medical system and move away from the system of sick-care to real healthcare. As part of his presentation he recognized the need to provide services to the Latino communities, which are both in-culture and in-language. “Dr. Raju is passionate and we support him in his efforts to deliver services to the Latino community, which is greatly underserved,” said Edwin Reyes, Cook County Commissioner – 8th District.

Hispanics are the fastest growing minority, expected to triple in numbers by 2050, but there is a glaring disparity between the number of Latinos and the number of healthcare providers. This alone will represent a challenge to a healthcare system that has not been culturally sensitized. “Dr. Raju is the first CEO of the system to actually participate in a forum that specifically addressed the needs of the Latino community, this fact alone is was very encouraging; however given that the Latino community has been consistently underserved it would be important for everyone involved to hold Dr. Raju and Cook County accountable,” said Elba Aranda-Suh, executive director, National Latino Education Institute.

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