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Confusing Immigration Change
By: Daniel Nardini
It all sounds like the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. That seems to be the way of things in this election year. And in my book this is why this “change” is coming out at all. Think about this—for the most part U.S. President Barack Obama has done little or nothing about immigration. For many Latinos as well as many immigrant communities across the United States, this smells of betrayal and a “do nothing” policy. Obama realizes that he needs all the votes he can get to get a second term. With the Republican front runner most likely to become Mitt Romney, Obama is now turning to the one sector that he had neglected during this entire time—Latinos. Their votes may make the difference in the next presidential election. With many of the things that Romney has been saying, it is doubtful that he will be winning too many Latino votes. Since Obama knows he will get no support from the Republicans in the U.S. Congress for any substantial immigration reform, he will do something on his own. So Obama is offering this small tidbit for Latinos.
Will Latinos accept this? Many Latinos had high hopes that Obama would keep his promises when he was first elected in 2008. Many Latinos were to put it mildly disappointed when he did not. Will he keep any of his promises in a second term? Latinos are not sure of that. This change may be a minor overhaul of our largely unworkable immigration system. As for those who believe they might benefit from this change, I urge caution. This is an administrative change and I cannot be too sure how true and how far it will go. For those who hope this small crack in the immigration process might benefit them, I urge all hopeful immigrants to consult with an immigration lawyer.