A series of events hosted by Mujeres Latinas en Acción, 2124 W. 21st Pl., will take place throughout April, to raise public awareness about sexual assault and to educate communities and individuals on how to prevent it.
April 9th 2-4pm: The Sexual Harassment of Undocumented Women in the Workplace and Their Legal Options – Panel co-sponsored by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), and the participation of the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Chicago Commission on Human Relations and LifeSpan.
April 18th, 2-4pm: Taller sobre la Visa U – (in Spanish) – Information will be provided regarding the U-Visa, who qualifies, the documentation needed to apply, who can prepare the applications and any fees associated with the application. A representative from Catholic Charities will provide the presentation. Mujeres Latinas en Acción office: 2124 W. 21st Pl.
These events also highlight the need to advocate for this issue, educate the public, and engage allies in the fight against sexual violence. For a complete list of events, visit www.mujereslatinasenaccion.org.