Mayor Emanuel announced the appointment the Fisk and Crawford Reuse Task Force, a committee that will work to solicit community input and economic development and job creation alternatives for the land on which the Fisk and Crawford power plants currently operate. The Task Force consists of three community members, one member from Midwest Generation, two aldermen, one representative from labor, one representative from ComEd, and one economic development representative from City Hall.
The Delta Institute, a local non-profit organization with extensive experience leading brownfield redevelopments, will facilitate the group and will be ultimately responsible for the final report. The committee will be supported by the Joyce Foundation and Sierra Club, both of which have committed up to $50,000 to fund the process. The group has met twice to date, and will continue holding regular meetings. Additionally, the Task Force plans to host two public hearings to incorporate community input.
Committee Members
Kimberly Wasserman Nieto, executive director, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO)
Kimberly Wasserman is the Executive Director of the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO), where she has worked since 1998. As Executive Director she oversees the community projects, leadership development and organizational sustainability.
Nelson Soza, executive director, Pilsen Alliance
Nelson Soza became Pilsen Alliance’s executive director in December of 2010 and has spent all his professional life as an activist for social justice and has vast experience in organizing.
Jerry Mead-Lucero, organizer, Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization
Jerry Mead-Lucero is an organizer for PERRO (Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization). He is a former social studies teacher and has been a labor, immigrant rights, and environmental activist for over 20 years.
Doug McFarlan, senior vice president of public affairs and communications, Edison Mission Group (EMG)
Douglas McFarlan is president of Midwest Generation and senior vice president of Public Affairs and Communications for Midwest Generation’s parent company, Edison Mission Group (EMG). He is responsible for state and local government relations, environmental policy and compliance, renewable energy development, media and community relations, corporate contributions, and executive and employee communications.
Ricardo Munoz, alderman, City of Chicago
At 27, Rick Muñoz was the youngest member of the Chicago City Council when he joined in 1993. Alderman Muñoz grew up in the Little Village community he now represents.
Daniel Solis, alderman, City of Chicago
Alderman Solis has a 30 year history of service as a community organizer who took on many challenges facing the Latino community. After serving various local community organizations Alderman Solis went on to found the United Neighborhood Organization (UNO) where he served as executive director until he was appointed as 25th Ward Alderman in 1996.
Tom Villanova, president, Chicago and Cook County Building and Construction Trades Council
Tom Villanova has been President of the Chicago and Cook County Building Trades Council since 2004, representing 24 trade unions and one hundred thousand members.
Kathy Dickhut, deputy commissioner, Department of Housing and Economic Development, Bureau of Planning and Zoning
Kathleen Dickhut is Deputy Commissioner of the Open Space/Sustainability Division of the City of Chicago Department of Housing and Economic Development. Over the past 12 years the division has implemented the CitySpace and Chicago River plans and developed and implemented the Calumet plans, Logan Square Open Space Plan, Chicago Eat Local Live Healthy and Adding Green to Urban Design.
Bill McNeil, vice president of energy acquisition, Commonwealth Edison
As Vice President of Energy Acquisition, Bill oversees electricity supply procurement including renewable portfolio standard compliance, retail electric supplier operations, PJM billing and settlement, and wholesale contract administration for ComEd.
Delta Institute
Delta Institute is a center of innovation that creates market opportunities to achieve environmental sustainability and economic development. In partnership with business, government and local communities, Delta develops and implements practical solutions to build regional economies that are job rich and inclusive. Delta focuses its work on areas that have the potential to transform difficult environmental problems to positive opportunities that create economic growth that benefits all communities.