In the wake of the GSA scandal, where the federal agency blew nearly $1 million in tax dollars at a Las Vegas conference, Commissioner Jeff Tobolski (D-McCook) passed an ordinance last week to eliminate the loopholes in Cook County’s Contingency Fund Ordinance. Abuse of the funds have been widely reported and even include an ongoing federal investigation. “When I first came into office a year ago, I was shocked to learn that Cook County Commissioners were entitled to a $15,000 account that could be used to buy alcohol, go on vacations, or even to gamble with,” said Tobolski.
From now on, Commissioners will have to spend their own money first and then submit receipts to the Ethics Director before they can get reimbursed. The new ordinance creates strict parameters for spending, restores accountability for using the funds, and provides for desperately needed transparency in the process. “People in the private sector have to abide by strict guidelines that monitor the use of discretionary funds. In the year 2012, Cook County Commissioners shouldn’t have it any different,” said Tobolski. Sponsors included Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and Commissioners Reyes, Suffredin, Schneider, Silvestri, Collins, Daley, and Goslin.