Avoid Common Errors When Preparing Tax Returns March 13, 2025
St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations March 13, 2025
Artistas Adolescentes Aprenden el Valor de un Arduo Trabajo
Artists Nationwide
Brazilian Students Tour Kirie Water Reclamation Plant
Challenges of Returning to School in Adulthood
Chicago Air and Water Show
Chicago CPS
Chicago Dream Act
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Cultura Latina
Delicious Salad Meals
Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
Dream Relief
Dream Relief Chicago
El Alma de la Fiesta
Ending Summer on the Right Foot
Ensaladas sencillas y deliciosas como plato principal
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Festival Unísono en Pilsen
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José Cuervo
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PepsiCo Foundation Apoya Futuros Periodistas Hispanos
PepsiCo Foundation Supports Future Hispanic Journalists
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Teen Artists Learn the Value of Hard Work
Terminando el Verano con el Pie Derecho
Unisono Festival in Pilsen
‘El Chente’
Let Them Eat Unemployment Checks
By: Daniel Nardini
Sadly, I have seen this tactic used in the administration of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. During that time, unemployment checks duration was cut from 12 months to six months—barely any time after receiving the first check. This way the government could claim that the unemployment rate was significantly down and that there was more “work.” When the last great recession hit from 1991-1993, then U.S. President George H.W. Bush increased the duration period to receive unemployment checks for up to 11 months. This has been further increased to 12 months as it originally was. However, under then U.S. President Bill Clinton there truly were not as many people applying for unemployment benefits as there are now. The economy is still pretty bad, and hiring is still not something that has gone way up. But there is a far more fundamental reason why unemployment checks have been cut back. It is simply the lack of money. Tragically, this is a good if albeit a seemingly cop-out reason. Even if this reason is a good one, here is the problem. How many of our congressional officials take a pay cut?
It is said that to gain the confidence of the people you need to lead by action. And almost none of th politicians on the federal level have taken significant pay cuts. Why not? Most Americans have had to make sacrifices. Too many have seen their pay cut, or they have lost their jobs because the economy has contracted and this means there is less money for people to spend. Why should the politicians have more money to spend that the ordinary people cannot? Another problem why I see the politicians cutting the unemployment checks is because these people are already “halfway into the grave” and why not just cut them off completely? Yes, this sounds cruel, but as many people have learned the politicians see them more as statistics than people struggling to make ends meet and prevent themselves from being thrown out into the streets. It seems that too many politicians are having less of a conscience these days to help more people out into the streets a lot sooner.