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Dream Act chicago
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‘El Chente’
The Real Fight May Be With Russia
By: Daniel Nardini
But here is the bigger danger that Ron Paul has pointed out—we could engage in a major conflict with Russia. The United States almost did that in regards to Georgia in 2008, and it is just as big a danger that the United States might get perilously close to another possible shooting war with Russia. Russia has a very small naval base based in Tartus, Syria. Russian military officers are clearly present in Syria, and they advise the Syrian army. Russian civilian personnel are living and working in Syria, and any NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) intervention in Syria will hit directly at the Russians. Russia’s military machine and military capacity is nothing to joke about—in the eyes of the Russians Syria is their client state. Any NATO attempts in going after Syria may prompt the Russians at retaliatory actions elsewhere in the world. Is this what we the American people want? At this point Russia is not a threat to the United States. Do we want to make them a threat?
And, as Ron Paul said, America is broke. Yes, America has no real money to pay for a war even against Syria let alone against Russia. With all of the economic and social problems the United States has right now, getting into yet another conflict will only sink our country deeper into a black hole we may never get out of. My fear is that U.S. President Barack Obama or Mitt Romney (if he gets elected president) may try to get America involved in Syria or some other conflict to boost their popularity at home. America should not be fighting anymore needless wars where the sacrifice in money and above all lives is too high a price. Ron Paul has introduced legislation calling for a bar on any aid to the Syrian rebels and getting involved in any conflict in Syria without a declaration of war by the U.S. Congress. I do not see this legislation going anywhere, but it is indeed a common sense approach to a conflict we should not be involved in.