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An ACLU Public Service Announcement
By: Daniel Nardini
For more information, go to the ACLU’s website at If someone feels their civil rights have been violated in Arizona, then call the ACLU at 855-737-7386. The information provided is not just for Latinos, whom in my book are the ones who will most likely be targeted by Arizona’s state law, but all of us who must be reminded that we do have certain constitutional rights and protections. Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court helped to reaffirm that we still have those rights in all other states and that Arizona’s law that allows police to ask for a person’s legal papers is consistent with immigration law (although again a person cannot be profiled because this will result in racial profiling). It is clear why the ACLU put out this public service announcement—they feel it is more than possible that people’s rights can and will be violated based on their race and ethnicity, and not just in Arizona.
Similar state immigration laws had been passed in Alabama and in Georgia. Even though there are legal challenges to these laws, this will most likely not stop these states or even local municipalities from enforcing these state immigration laws. It is the sad irony that even though the U.S. Supreme Court has largely struck down much of Arizona’s state immigration law, and that it has given a very narrow definition to Arizona’s law on having suspects show legal documents, this has not stopped those states and local municipalities from enforcing their state immigration laws in Alabama and Georgia. Hence, the ACLU is now playing a very active role in trying to protect people’s rights and putting out not only this public service announcement but in encouraging people to contact the ACLU and any other civil rights organization if they feel their rights have been violated. Personally, it is a sad feeling when we have to watch law enforcement. But, we must remember that the rights we have will mean very little if we do not protect them.