By Chiro One Wellness Centers
Most people look forward to summer and long, lazy weekends and spending time outdoors. But to those who suffer from heat sensitivity, the season brings with it more than unbearable heat; it can also be a trigger for debilitating headaches and migraines. According to a recent Harvard University Study, mind-numbing headaches are more likely to strike as the mercury rises and for headache sufferers, the unpredictability of summer weather can do more than ruin outdoor plans.
Other causes of migraines include the following:
Dehydration – Losing a lot of water and sodium through sweating can trigger migraines.
Lazy Days of Summer – Migraines can happen from a let down from stress. First days of vacation or the start of the weekend are common times for migraines to occur.
Changes in Sleep Patterns and Eating Habits – People tend to stay out later and sleeping patterns and eating habits change during the summer months. Losing sleep and skipping meals can be triggers.
Environmental Factors – Summer allergens can also trigger migraines as humidity can increase levels of some allergens in the environment.
Prevent Headaches by Being Proactive
To enjoy summer activities while avoiding migraine headaches, Dr. Daniel Schultz, D.C. and Chiro One Wellness Centers recommend the following:
- Run errands and exercise in the cooler morning or evening hours
- Apply cold packs to the head and/or neck
- Stay hydrated with cool beverages
- Keep a “headache diary” for several days, to determine what usually causes your headaches
- Maintain consistent sleeping and eating patterns
- Reduce stress levels with massage, deep breathing exercises or yoga
- Visit your Doctor of Chiropractic