Students from Mexico Visit Casa Aztlán

Fourteen young people from Mexico, ages 15-17, learned about Chicago Area Project (CAP) and Restorative Justice during a workshop held on July 24 at Casa Aztlán, 1831 S. Racine. The youth who are from Colima, Mexico, the State of Mexico and Puebla, Mexico were in Chicago as part of the Jóvenes en Acción (Youth in Action) Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. The visit was hosted by WorldChicago.

The Mexican high school students in the Jóvenes en Acción (Youth in Action) Program are touring various cities in the United States in order to develop community leadership skills. Their Chicago visit focused specifically on learning about peer violence and bullying and working on specialized projects dealing with preventing and correcting violence.

The Mexican visitor group included:

COLIMA, MEXICO: Daniela Mata Ruiz, Alejandro Ocampo González, Fabiola González Venegas, Paris Mendoza Ortiz and Jorge Rafael Velázquez López.

THE STATE OF MEXICO: Andrea Dominique Sánchea Martínez,Ilsa Fernanda Ramirez Aranda, Jerelly Graciela Velázquez Ramírez, Lorena Peña Zamora.

PUEBLA, MEXICO: Karla Janette Tellez Estevez, Ayumi Daniela Kimura Fukumoto, Alexa Beleth Bello Lutrillo, Michele Mendez Fontus, Diana Huerta Méndez.

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