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Ending Summer on the Right Foot
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‘El Chente’
About the Massacre at the Sikh Temple
By: Daniel Nardini
Clearly this person has always had every intention of trying to push for action against people of non-white, non-European descent, whether these actions were peaceful or not. The band End Apathy’s music lyrics are always anti-immigrant, anti-non-white, and full of violence against anyone deemed “racially inferior.” Wade Michael Page died the way he lived—full of hate, full of anger and violence, and in the end he went out taking the lives of innocent people. What is truly scary is that neo-nazi and white supremacist websites are mourning not the victims of this shooting but Page who committed the shooting. One neo-nazi and white supremacist, Alex Linder, who operates the white supremacist website Vanguard News Network, wrote that Page died for a noble cause and that all of the Sikhs “should go back to India because America is for whites.” This is another way of saying that not only were Page’s actions acceptable but that it is justified to try and use whatever means possible to get rid of those not deemed “white.”
This last part is truly terrifying and should be taken very, very seriously by law enforcement. What happened is truly an act of domestic terrorism, and no doubt there are others who may indeed be planning the same thing. Because the message of believing that one’s race or religion is superior breeds hate and anger and then eventually violence. And there will definitely be more Wade Michael Page’s out there. Domestic terrorism is no less a threat to this country than is international terrorism. What law enforcement should do now is watch and track every movement of neo-nazi, white supremacist, and Klan organizations more than ever. The chances are high that this type of act will happen again.