As October marks the beginning of National Domestic Violence Prevention Month, ChildServ urges all people to become aware of how to report domestic abuse and violence. Knowing in advance what to do can lead to a quicker response and better care for the child or adult in question. To report child abuse, call the Abuse Prevention Hotline: 1-800-25ABUSE.
To report domestic violence against an adult, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233. DCFS and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence recommend calling the hotline whenever you believe that a person living in a household, adult or child, has been injured or harmed, or put at risk of physical injury.
ChildServ’s mission is to help Chicagoland’s at-risk children and their families build, achieve and sustain better lives. Founded in 1894, ChildServ brings about change that helps children to build, achieve and sustain better lives. The agency focuses on providing in-depth, community-based programs to underserved children, their families, foster parents and other caregivers in Cook, Lake and DuPage counties. To learn more about ChildServ, visit