Alderman George Cardenas (D-12), the Kendall College School of Culinary Arts, and news anchor Angelica Atondo join forces to serve lunch to 12th Ward senior citizens on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012. For the past four years Ald. Cardenas, in partnership with the Kendall College School of Culinary Arts, has been hosting a Thanksgiving brunch for 12th Ward senior citizens. In addition to the senior brunch, Ald. Cardenas has also been collecting and distributing approximately 300 frozen turkeys and other food items to 12th Ward residents ever since he has been in office, allowing them to provide a warm meal for their families on Thanksgiving. The annual senior Thanksgiving Day brunch will take place at El Rey Ballroom, 3504 S. Western Ave., from 11a.m., to 1p.m.