Mizis Constantine, chief executive officer of The Latino Alzheimer´s Alliance and Barbara Jane Irwin and Robert Romo Family Foundation are inviting the community to an important charity event called “2012 Engaging Communities Presentation and Reception Featuring The Rebozo Art,” on Thursday, Nov. 15 at the National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W. 19th St.
The Latino Alzheimer´s Alliance´s mission is to educate and train the management skills of the disease, compassionate support programs and training for health professionals in the knowledge of our Latino culture with regard to the disease. Since 2008, The Latino Alzheimer´s Alliance has served more than 8,500 Latino families through bilingual and bi-cultural in Chicago, New York, DC, and Los Angeles. Its programs are conducted in collaboration with more than 300 employees (clinics, senior centers, hospitals, universities and other institutions) located in the cities mentioned. For reservations and buy tickets to this event visit, www.latinoalzheimersalliance.org.