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Chicago Air and Water Show
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Cultura Latina
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Dream Relief
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El Alma de la Fiesta
Ending Summer on the Right Foot
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PepsiCo Foundation Supports Future Hispanic Journalists
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‘El Chente’
Patriotism in the Catalog Industry
By: Daniel Nardini
But within the last two years there has been a change. Now a growing number of catalogs are labeling those products “Made in USA” which was not true before. I have been seeing this phenomenon happening on the Internet before this. Why is this happening now? It can only point to a clear new trend—more people are consciously buying products made in America, or not made in China. I can give a number of reasons why this is happening. Many people do not like the poor quality of the products made in China. Some are appalled by China’s work and human rights record. Others are afraid that products made in China may be outright poisonous and can do harm (especially true of toys three to four years ago). But I suspect the main reason why this trend to buy goods made in America is growing is because many people are thinking “the next job I may save may be my own.”
This is not without foundation. If a factory closes, then this affects distributors who were dependent on selling the products from those companies put out of business. It means that stores are equally affected if products they have traditionally been selling are no longer available and no real substitute can be found (or rather, most consumers will not buy the same product produced overseas). What we are seeing is that a growing number of people are making a conscious effort to buy products made in this country to not only protect their health and have safer products, but to help America’s manufacturing sector survive. The catalog companies are now playing their part in this patriot game. I can only hope that the politicians will follow suit.