Demonstrating the increasing demand for school choice, Latino families were among the thousands of Chicago families who explored more than 130 of the city’s public schools, including charter schools, at the 6th Annual New Schools EXPO, which was hosted by New Schools for Chicago.
With 123,000 CPS students in failing schools, the demand for high-quality charter schools has grown. More than 19,000 students are currently on charter waiting lists according the Illinois State Board of Education.
“It’s hard to find a quality school in my neighborhood that will accept a student at any level,” said Margarita Oliveras, a Logan Square parent who attended the event with her children. “More choice is always better.”
Chicago’s charter schools are tuition-free, public schools, don’t require admission tests, and serve neighborhood students. On average, charter schools outperform their neighborhood counterparts. For example, 77 percent of charter freshman graduate, while only 56 percent of neighborhood peers graduate. When it comes to college enrollment 70 percent of charter school graduates attend college, while 57 percent of their neighborhood counterparts do.
Currently, CPS has more than 123,000 students in under-performing schools, with a majority of those students also attending schools that are under-enrolled. And although CPS has focused on utilization when it comes to school action decisions this year, parents are demanding quality schools.
“The large turn out today reminds us how many communities still lack quality school options for their children,” said Phyllis Lockett, president and CEO of New Schools for Chicago. “Charter schools are getting kids to college. And judging by the record attendance today, parents are voting with their feet when it comes to public education.” Parents can find out more information about the free resource by calling 773-4-SCHOOLS (773-472-4665).