
Yearly Archives: 2012

The Gary Johnson Alternative

The Gary Johnson Alternative

By: Daniel Nardini Not many people may be aware of this, but there will be a third person for President of the United States on the ballot in all 50… Read more »

Décima Conferencia Anual de El Valor

Décima Conferencia Anual de El Valor

El valor presenta su décima conferencia anual, “Preparándose para el Futuro”, el sábado, 23 de junio, de 7 a.m. a 4:15 p.m., en Hilton Oak Lawn, 9333 S. Cicero Ave…. Read more »

The Beautiful World of the Clockmaker

The Beautiful World of the Clockmaker

By: Daniel Nardini In a town not far from where I live, there is an old man who repairs and sells old clocks. He used to be a clockmaker himself…. Read more »

Puerto Rico’s English Language Conversion

Puerto Rico’s English Language Conversion

By: Daniel Nardini According to Puerto Rico’s Secretary of Education, Edward Moreno Alonso, English will be used as the sole language of instruction in 31 public schools starting this August…. Read more »

OAS: A Dying Dinosaur?

OAS: A Dying Dinosaur?

By: Daniel Nardini Last week the governments of Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador announced that they are leaving the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal. The reason they gave was the same—the… Read more »

Fighting to Stay Alive

Fighting to Stay Alive

By: Ashmar Mandou Mothers across the city have decided to stage a hunger strike at Our Lady of Guadalupe Anglican Catholic Mission to denounce two hospitals that have refused to… Read more »

Chicago Latino Coalition Presents, ‘Division Street 1966’

Chicago Latino Coalition Presents, ‘Division Street 1966’

Longtime Westtown-Humboldt Park community residents, activists, and artists have come together to launch a Community History Project, under the auspices of the newly established organization, the Chicago Latino Coalition 2020…. Read more »

Mensaje a Demócratas Suburbanos: Dieron la Espalda a Nuestras Familias

Mensaje a Demócratas Suburbanos: Dieron la Espalda a Nuestras Familias

La Coalición pro Derechos de Refugiados e Inmigrantes de Illinois (ICIRR) se unió a una amplia coalición de líderes religiosos, del trabajo, del cumplimiento de la ley y otros líderes,… Read more »

Nuevo Programa de Arte para Adolescentes

Nuevo Programa de Arte para Adolescentes

Teen Creative Agency (TCA) es un nuevo programa en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MCA) Chicago, que se asocia con adolescentes y los pone en arte contemporáneo como recursos para… Read more »

Luchando por Mantenerse con Vida

Luchando por Mantenerse con Vida

Por: Ashmar Mandou Las madres de la ciudad han decidido ponerse en huelga de hambre en la Misión Católica Anglicana Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, para denunciar a dos hospitales que… Read more »