
Yearly Archives: 2012

The Mayan Message from Xultun

The Mayan Message from Xultun

By: Daniel Nardini Archeologists have discovered what seems to be so far the oldest Mayan calendar system in existence at the Xultun site in Guatemala. The series of Mayan numbers… Read more »

“Race War” Averted

“Race War” Averted

By: Daniel Nardini The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested ten people of an extremist right wing group called the American Front for possible attacks against immigrants and racial and… Read more »

A Través del Espejo

A Través del Espejo

Los espejos son los mejores amigos de los estudiantes de danza y su peor enemigo, ya que exponen momentos de belleza y claridad así como pasos en falso y faltos… Read more »

City of Chicago Honors Pilsen Neighbors Community Council

City of Chicago Honors Pilsen Neighbors Community Council

On May 9, 2012 the City of Chicago passed a resolution honoring Pilsen Neighbors Community Council (PNCC) for Fiesta del Sol’s 40th anniversary. Starting off as a block party, Fiesta… Read more »

Latinos Preocupados con las Consecuencias Financieras de Enfermedades Incapacitantes

Latinos Preocupados con las Consecuencias Financieras de Enfermedades Incapacitantes

Qué haría usted si repentinamente se enferma o se lesiona y no puede volver a trabajar? Con tanta gente que confía en el cheque de paga para cubrir sus necesidades,… Read more »

City of Chicago Announces Specific Plans for Grid Garbage Collection

City of Chicago Announces Specific Plans for Grid Garbage Collection

The City of Chicago announced it will implement the first step toward a grid refuse collection system that will increase efficiency and productivity while saving taxpayers approximately $20 million in… Read more »

La Ciudad de Chicago Honra al Concilio Comunitario de Vecinos de Pilsen

La Ciudad de Chicago Honra al Concilio Comunitario de Vecinos de Pilsen

El 9 de mayo del 2012, la Ciudad de Chicago aprobó una resolución para honrar al Concilio Comunitario Vecinos de Pilsen (PNCC) por el 40 aniversario de la Fiesta del… Read more »

Munoz Sponsors Legislation to Develop an Asian-American Employment Plan

Munoz Sponsors Legislation to Develop an Asian-American Employment Plan

Senator Tony Munoz (D-Chicago) is sponsoring legislation that will establish an Asian American Employment Plan for Illinois. This is similar to the Hispanic and African American Employment Plans already in… Read more »

Community Members Creates Strong Blocks/Safe Neighborhoods

Community Members Creates Strong Blocks/Safe Neighborhoods

Mayor Rahm Emanuel Tuesday announced the City’s new Strong Blocks/SAFE Communities Wrap-Around Strategy. The initiative combines targeted police enforcement with City services and community engagement. Four recent investigations by the… Read more »

National Latino Congreso in Chicago

National Latino Congreso in Chicago

This year, more than ever, the Latino vote—projected to be nine percent of the electorate— may be crucial in determining the next president of the United States. However, there is… Read more »