
Yearly Archives: 2012

Día Comcast Cares Voluntarios Retribuyen a la Comunidad de la Villita

Día Comcast Cares Voluntarios Retribuyen a la Comunidad de la Villita

Durante el Día Comcast Cares, el 21 de abril, un total de 52 empleados, familiares y amigos se reunieron en Erie Neighborhood House para ofrecer su tiempo como voluntarios para… Read more »

St. Anthony Receives Community Support Amid Medicaid Cuts

St. Anthony Receives Community Support Amid Medicaid Cuts

By: Ashmar Mandou Maria Herrera has a longstanding relationship with Saint Anthony Hospital. An immigrant from Mexico, St. Anthony was the first to welcome Herrera to the city helping her… Read more »

St. Anthony Recibe Apoyo Comunitario Entre Cortes al Medicaid

St. Anthony Recibe Apoyo Comunitario Entre Cortes al Medicaid

Por: Ashmar Mandou María Herrera tiene una larga relación con el Hospital St. Anthony. Inmigrante de México, St. Anthony fue el primero en dar la bienvenida a Herrera a la… Read more »

Un Propósito en la Vida Puede Protegerle Contra el Mal de Alzheimer’s

Un Propósito en la Vida Puede Protegerle Contra el Mal de Alzheimer’s

Un mayor propósito en la vida puede ayudarle a evitar los dañinos efectos de placas y marañas asociadas con la enfermedad de Alzheimer’s, de acuerdo a un nuevo estudio de… Read more »

Subsidios Médicos para Niños

Subsidios Médicos para Niños

UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) espera solicitudes de subsidios de familias que necesiten ayuda financiera, para ayudar a pagar los tratamientos médicos de sus hijos, servicios o equipo no cubierto, o… Read more »

Purpose in Life May Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Purpose in Life May Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Greater purpose in life may help stave off the harmful effects of plaques and tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study by researchers at Rush University Medical… Read more »

Children’s Medical Grants Now Available

Children’s Medical Grants Now Available

The UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) is seeking grant applications from families in need of financial assistance to help pay for their child’s health care treatments, services or equipment not covered,… Read more »

Berwyn Couple Receive Energy Improvement Award

Berwyn Couple Receive Energy Improvement Award

Green Energy Improvement, a Chicago area home performance improvement company, announced that its clients Jason Rosado and Jennifer Chhatlani recently received the first Energy Star Silver Certificate awarded in the… Read more »

Otro Shred-A-Thon Popular de Community Savings Bank

Otro Shred-A-Thon Popular de Community Savings Bank

Community Savings Bank tendrá otro de sus populares eventos de trituración de papeles Shred-A-Thon, el 19 de marzo. Clientes y no clientes están invitados, sin cargo alguno, a triturar sus… Read more »

HACE Invites Community to Career Conference

HACE Invites Community to Career Conference

The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE) will be having their annual Chicago Career Conference on May 24th at the Palmer House Hilton. The event is free and open to… Read more »