
Yearly Archives: 2012

Humboldt Park Community Calls on State to Save its Safety-Net Hospital

Humboldt Park Community Calls on State to Save its Safety-Net Hospital

By: Jose Rodriguez Humboldt Park’s community leaders, social service providers, residents and others united at the Courtyard of Norwegian American Hospital to call the state’s general Assembly to save access… Read more »

Social Security Presentations

Social Security Presentations

How to file for disability benefits online? When can you retire, and how does it affect your family? What planning tools are available, and can you file online? Come and… Read more »

El Acceso Local al Cuidado de Salud Depende de Debates Sobre el Presupuesto Estatal

El Acceso Local al Cuidado de Salud Depende de Debates Sobre el Presupuesto Estatal

Cuidar a los residentes más necesitados de Lawndale es fundamental para la misión del Hospital St. Anthony y el resultado de los debates sobre la reforma del Medicaid en Springfield… Read more »

Two Places to Visit for Cinco de Mayo

Two Places to Visit for Cinco de Mayo

By: Daniel Nardini On this Cinco de Mayo holiday weekend, I highly recommend to all my readers two places to visit; the National Museum of Mexican Art and the Institute… Read more »

El Instituto Urbano de Salud Sinai y Blue Cross Blue Shield Lanzan el Proyecto de la Diabetes de Lawndale

El Instituto Urbano de Salud Sinai y Blue Cross Blue Shield Lanzan el Proyecto de la Diabetes de Lawndale

Ante un concurrido salón, Blue Cross Blue Shield de Illinois y Sinai Health System presentaron su esfuerzo de colaboración para identificar y mitigar la diabetes en los barrios latinos de… Read more »

Local Access to Healthcare Hinges on State Budget Discussions

Local Access to Healthcare Hinges on State Budget Discussions

Caring for Lawndale’s neediest residents is fundamental to the mission of Saint Anthony Hospital, and the outcome of Medicaid reform discussions in Springfield will have big implications for both the… Read more »

The War That Should Really Have Never Been

The War That Should Really Have Never Been

By: Daniel Nardini Strangely enough, this year marks the 200th anniversary of the start of what would be called the War of 1812. The war between the United States and… Read more »

La Comunidad de Humboldt Park Pide al Estado que Salve a la Red de Seguridad de su Hospital

La Comunidad de Humboldt Park Pide al Estado que Salve a la Red de Seguridad de su Hospital

Por: José Rodríguez La semana pasada, líderes comunitarios, proveedores de servicios sociales, residentes de Humboldt Park y otros se unieron en el patio del Hospital Norwegian American para pedir a… Read more »

An American Tradition

An American Tradition

By: Daniel Nardini Many people may not realize it, but Cinco de Mayo is as much an American tradition as it is a Mexican holiday. In his excellent book, El… Read more »

Sinai Urban Health Institute and Blue Cross Blue Shield Kickoff the Lawndale Diabetes Project

Sinai Urban Health Institute and Blue Cross Blue Shield Kickoff the Lawndale Diabetes Project

Presenting to a standing room only crowd, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois and Sinai Health System kicked off their collaborative effort to identify and mitigate diabetes in the Latino… Read more »