
Yearly Archives: 2012

Fear on the Olympic Peninsula

Fear on the Olympic Peninsula

By: Daniel Nardini Before I say anything else, I should explain that the Olympic Peninsula is an island-like peninsula in Washington state that has a water border with Canada. It… Read more »

Destroy the Environment!

Destroy the Environment!

By: Daniel Nardini Every now and then (or rather, these days, too frequently), a bad piece of legislation is introduced that was ill conceived in the first place and should… Read more »

Top Ten Remedies to Heal your Headache Fast

Top Ten Remedies to Heal your Headache Fast

By: Chiro One Wellness Centers If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and… Read more »

Finding Their Language Roots

Finding Their Language Roots

By: Daniel Nardini While there is still a conflict about whether English should be made an official language in the United States, in Guatemala there is a major fight to… Read more »

Red de Seguridad de Hospitales Propone Plan de Ahorros en Medicaid para el Illinois St. Anthony

Red de Seguridad de Hospitales Propone Plan de Ahorros en Medicaid para el Illinois St. Anthony

Pidiendo a Illinois que proteja sus residentes más vulnerables, una coalición, conducida por siete hospitales urbanos, propuso estrategias que el estado necesita atender inmediatamente para arreglar su sistema de Medicaid… Read more »

Julia Alvarez: Voice of the American Experience

Julia Alvarez: Voice of the American Experience

By: Ashmar Mandou Julia Alvarez is the epitome of the great American novelist. The tales of her beloved Dominican Republic and her immigrant experiences in such novels as, How the… Read more »

Dándole Vuelta a la Hoja: Gads Hill Center tiene la Primer Mujer Latina CEO

Dándole Vuelta a la Hoja: Gads Hill Center tiene la Primer Mujer Latina CEO

Por: Ashmar Mandou Maricela García, nueva funcionaria ejecutiva en jefe de Gads Hill Center, está acostumbrada a altas expectativas. Ya sea por haber dejado su país, Guatemala, azotado por la… Read more »

Julia Alvarez: Voz de la Experiencia Americana

Julia Alvarez: Voz de la Experiencia Americana

Por: Ashmar Mandou Julia Alvarez es el prototipo de la gran novelista americana. Los cuentos de su querida República Dominicana y sus experiencias como inmigrante en novelas como, How the… Read more »

Turning Over a New Leaf: Gads Hill Center Welcomes First Latina CEO

Turning Over a New Leaf: Gads Hill Center Welcomes First Latina CEO

By: Ashmar Mandou Maricela Garcia, the new chief executive officer of Gads Hill Center, is used to high expectations. Whether it was leaving her war torn country of Guatemala during… Read more »

Pregunte al Alcalde Rahm Emanuel

Pregunte al Alcalde Rahm Emanuel

El Alcalde Rahm Emanuel tendrá su tercera junta de Ayuntamiento en vivo, en Facebook, con los residentes de Chicago, para discutir su primer año en la oficina y pedir al… Read more »