
Yearly Archives: 2012

Conferencia de Salud Masculina en el Hospital St. Anthony

Conferencia de Salud Masculina en el Hospital St. Anthony

El Programa de Enfermería del Hospital St. Anthony, en colaboración con el Ministerio Masculino de la Iglesia Greater Open Door M.B., peesenta una conferencia de salud y bienestar sobre el… Read more »

Tourism Versus Paranoia

Tourism Versus Paranoia

By: Daniel Nardini The United States of America. No one needs an explanation about this country. It is known in just about every place on Earth. Just as well known… Read more »

War Against the Beer Companies

War Against the Beer Companies

By: Daniel Nardini The Oglala Sioux of Pine Ridge, South Dakota, are suing certain alcohol outlets in Whiteclay, Nebraska, for breaking state laws in providing alcohol to members of the… Read more »

The American Revolution: The Best Thing for Britain

The American Revolution: The Best Thing for Britain

By: Daniel Nardini Last year, a group of British barristers and American lawyers held a debate in Philadelphia on whether the American Revolution (1775-1783) was legal or an act of… Read more »

Saving Herbie Pulgar

Saving Herbie Pulgar

By: Daniel Nardini These are the known facts in the case. A 15-year old boy named Herbert (Herbie) Pulgar won the contest for the design of Chicago’s city sticker. Then… Read more »

Katyn (The Movie)

Katyn (The Movie)

By: Daniel Nardini This is one of the best films I have seen in recent years. It is also a bone chilling historical drama, produced in Poland in 2007 by… Read more »

Canada on Top of the World

Canada on Top of the World

By: Daniel Nardini No, I am not referring to Canada’s geographic position where it is truly north of everyone. I am referring to its economic standing with regards to the… Read more »

Eat the Rainbow for Health Benefits

Eat the Rainbow for Health Benefits

Celebrate American Heart Month on your plate with a delicious dish that makes vegetables come to life! There are so many wonderful colors, tastes, and textures in the vegetable category,… Read more »

Arco Iris de Colores en Beneficio de la Salud

Arco Iris de Colores en Beneficio de la Salud

Celebra el Mes del Corazón en tu plato con una comida deliciosa que hace que los vegetales tomen vida propia. Existen tantos colores, sabores y texturas maravillosas en la categoría… Read more »

Oposición Contra Construcción de ICE

Oposición Contra Construcción de ICE

United Neighborhood Organization se une al Rep. De E.U. Jesse L. Jackson Jr., (D-2) para oponerse a la construcción de un centro de detenciones de la agencia Immigration and Customs… Read more »