
Yearly Archives: 2012

More English, Less Money for Help

More English, Less Money for Help

By: Daniel Nardini In a report published by Center for an Urban Future, the number of immigrants who moved to New York state increased to 181,000 from 2005 to 2009…. Read more »

The Latino Issue Being Ignored

The Latino Issue Being Ignored

By: Daniel Nardini I think it says something about how all of the presidential candidates, both Democrat and Republican, are ignoring some of the issues. At a debate for the… Read more »

An Ode to the Incandescent Light Bulb

An Ode to the Incandescent Light Bulb

By: Daniel Nardini When I went to my nearest convenience store, I went to the light bulb section. One thing I have noticed is that the incandescent light bulbs were… Read more »

Mitt Romney: Liar for Our Time

Mitt Romney: Liar for Our Time

By: Daniel Nardini “I’m so proud to earn Kris’s [Kobach] support. Kris has been a true leader on securing our borders and stopping the flow of illegal immigration into this… Read more »

A Boxer’s Tale

A Boxer’s Tale

By: Ashmar Mandou His life is nothing short of a miracle. Even boxer Joel Diaz finds himself in awe of his own triumph over struggle. Born in Michoacán, Mexico, Joel… Read more »

Association House Receives AT&T Investing in Illinois Award

Association House Receives AT&T Investing in Illinois Award

On Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 AT&T recognized Association House of Chicago for its diligence towards providing quality programs in the following areas: Advancing Education; Economic Growth; New Technologies; and Essential… Read more »

‘El Rescate’ Programa de Vivienda Sin Precedente

‘El Rescate’ Programa de Vivienda Sin Precedente

Por: Ashmar Mandou Los servicios de vivienda para jóvenes están en gran demanda en la ciudad de Chicago. Específicamente, los servicios de vivienda para la comunidad LGBTQ (Lesbianas, Homosexuales, Bisexuales,… Read more »

‘El Rescate’ Housing Program Sets Precedent

‘El Rescate’ Housing Program Sets Precedent

By: Ashmar Mandou Housing services for youth are in high demand throughout the city of Chicago. More specifically, housing services for the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Questioning) community… Read more »

Cuento de un Boxeador

Cuento de un Boxeador

Por: Ashmar Mandou Su vida es casi un milagro. Inclusive el boxeador Joel Díaz se asombra de su propio triunfo sobre su lucha. Nacido en Michoacán México, Joel Díaz vino… Read more »

Association House Recibe Inversiones de AT&T en Premio de Illinois

Association House Recibe Inversiones de AT&T en Premio de Illinois

El viernes, enero 20 del 2012, AT&T reconoció a Association House of Chicago por su diligencia en ofrecer programas de calidad en las siguientes áreas: Educación Avanzada, Crecimiento Económico, Nuevas… Read more »