
Yearly Archives: 2012

El Alcalde Emanuel Pide a los Chicaguenses que Envíen Preguntas al Facebook de la Alcaldía

El Alcalde Emanuel Pide a los Chicaguenses que Envíen Preguntas al Facebook de la Alcaldía

El Alcalde Rahm Emanuel anunció que tendrá una segunda reunión en vivo en Facebook Town Hall con los chicaguenses, sobre una conversación en educación, el 23 de enero, a las… Read more »

Mayor Emanuel Hosts Annual Interfaith Breakfast

Mayor Emanuel Hosts Annual Interfaith Breakfast

Gov. Pat Quinn, Susan Whiting, vice chair and chief diversity officer, Nielsen; Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, senior vice president, public affairs and government relations, Nielsen join hundreds of supporters during the 26th… Read more »

Parents Can Choose New Schools on January 28

Parents Can Choose New Schools on January 28

Chicago parents searching for schools that serve all neighborhood children will be able explore and exercise their options on Saturday, Jan. 28 at the Fifth Annual New Schools EXPO. The… Read more »

Sandra Piña Gana Beca del Colegio St. Augustine

Sandra Piña Gana Beca del Colegio St. Augustine

Para Sandra Piña, estudiante senior de la Secundaria Bogan, fue una gran sorpresa el haber ganado una beca de $8,750 dólares del Colegio St. Augustine. Sandra, la mayor de cuatro… Read more »

5th Annual Empowering Lupus Patients Educational Seminar

5th Annual Empowering Lupus Patients Educational Seminar

Join the Lupus Foundation of America for their annual event. The purpose of the “Empowering Lupus Patients” seminar is to provide lupus patients with tools to effectively live with the… Read more »

Chiro One Wellness Centers Offers Tips to Avoid Snow Shoveling Back Strain

Chiro One Wellness Centers Offers Tips to Avoid Snow Shoveling Back Strain

As residents brace themselves for snow removal, Chiro One Wellness Centers offers simple tips to avoid snow shoveling back strain. Consider the following before you grab your shovel after a… Read more »

El Alcalde Emanuel Ofrece Desayuno Interreligioso

El Alcalde Emanuel Ofrece Desayuno Interreligioso

El Gobernor Pat Quinn, Susan Whiting, vicedirectora y funcionaria en jefe, Nielsen; Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, vicepresidente senior, asuntos públicos y relaciones gubernamentales, Nielsen se une a cientos de simpatizantes durante el… Read more »

Feria de Empleos de Berrios

Feria de Empleos de Berrios

La Representante Estatal María A. “Toni” Berrios (D-Chicago) ofrecerá una Feria de Empleos Comunitaria el sábado, 21 de enero del 2012, de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m., en Aspira de… Read more »

Eat Right, Ease Heartburn

Eat Right, Ease Heartburn

Over-the-counter antacids and prescription medications are the most common treatments for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In the most severe cases, surgery may even be required. But regardless of how bad… Read more »

Quinto Seminario Educativo Sobre el Lupus

Quinto Seminario Educativo Sobre el Lupus

Unase a la Fundación del Lupus de América en su evento anual. El propósito del seminario “Dando Poder a los Pacientes de Lupus” es ofrecer a los pacientes del lupus… Read more »